the opposite is true - #TWITTERFILES

There Are Spies All Around You, In This Zoo.

An Adulterer Works Here. Spousal Fears.

The Government Protects Us All.

A Wife Swapper Works Here, On The Ball.

The Opposite Is True. You Have Been Lied To.

The Opposite Is True. We Have Been Lied To.

#Twitterfiles Bring Media Denial.

The Media Whore Lives Reviled.

The Government Us All Protects

No Matter Lives Censorship Infects

The Opposite Is True. You Have Been Lied To.

The Opposite Is True. We Have Been Spied Anew.

How Can I Trust You When You Lie About Your Past? 

How Can I Trust You When I Lied About Our Future? 

How Can I Give Them More Than Then Deserve

How Much More Faith Can I Have In Reserve?

The Opposite Is True. You Have Been Lied To.

The Opposite Is True. Can There Be Truth Renewed?

The Opposite Is True.  You Felt It, Havent You?

The Opposite Is True.  Your Kids Don't Spy On You.

Your Kids Will Never Be Good Enough. 

Your Kids Life Has Not Been Rough

Your Kids Will Die During Revolution.

Your Kids Will Die For Socialism. 

Your Kids Will Die Fighting Social Misms

Your Kids Will Die For Socialism. 

Your Kids Will Die Fighting Social Misims

I Killed Your Outraged Morality, With Banality

There Are Spies All Around You. You Live In The Zoo.

The Opposite Is True. We Have Been Lied To.

The Opposite Is True. Lies Have Been Renewed.

The Opposite Is True. Speech Has Been Skewed

The Opposite Is True. Designed Confusion For You.

How Can I Trust You When You Lie About My Freedom?

How Can You Lie When I Trust You With My Life?

How Can I Lie When You Trust Me With Your Faith?

How Can I Trust The Liars In Front You ?

The Opposite Is True. Social Media Lies To You

The Opposite Is True. Vanity Looks Good On You

Before Social Media, We Got Along Better

Before Social Media, My Pants Werent Wetter

Before Social Media, News Had Facts

Post-Social Media, I Post Lone Acts

The President Works Here, Familyman Stock.

Look Up To God Before Looking Down At Him Sucking Your Cock

Mediawhore Bait Clicks Our First Amendment Rights

Burn Down Tech Or Suffer The Twitter Knife

Your Kids Will Never Die Fast Enough, Hurry Up

Your Kids Will Die During Revolution.

Your Kids Will Die For Socialism. 

Your Kids Will Die Fighting Socialism. 

Your Kids Will  Be Social When They Die.

Your Grandparents Died For Socialism. 

Your Grandkids Will Die Fighting My Parents For Socialism

The Opposite Is True. You Have Been Lied To. 

The Opposite Is True.  You Have Been Laid To. 

The Opposite Is True. You Have Been Laid To.  

The Opposite Is True. We Have Been Laid Through

Before Social Media, The Weather Was Weather 

Before Social Media Your Gonads Knew Better

Post Gonadectomy Society Shrinks

Wither & Controvert, Inverted Dinks

The Opposite Is True. I Have Been Lied To. 

Opposing View Reviewed.  Spies Are Nothing New

The Opposite Is True, You Have Been Laid Screwed. 

Decomposing View Reviewed. We Are Lying To You. 

The Opposite Is True. You Haven't  Been Lied Through. 

The Opposite Is True. They Wont Not  Miss You. 

Opposing View Is New, So Opposite Isn't True

The Opposite Is True, We Cant Live Without You. 

The Opposite Is True. Cold Breath Thins Around You

The Opposite Is True.  The End Comes Kingdom Come.

You Have Been Tied To The Opposite Is True.

You Have Been Lied To The Opposing View Is New. 


death of the local voice